Disney Movies - Animation Movies
This is a list of films from Walt Disney Animation Studios, an American animation studio headquartered in Burbank, California,[1] and formerly known as Walt Disney Feature Animation, Walt Disney Productions and Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio, which creates animated feature films for The Walt Disney Company. The studio has produced 55 feature films, beginning with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), which was one of the first full-length animated feature films and the first one made in the United States, and its most recent being Zootopia (2016).[2] Their 56th feature, Moana, is currently in production, and is scheduled for release on November 23, 2016.[3] Three features are also in development, with Gigantic[4] set for release on March 9, 2018,[5] Frozen 2, and an untitled film for a November 25, 2020 release.Here see this movie:
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